Biblical Sites in Turkey Tours
Did you know that 60% of the places mentioned in Bible are located in Turkey?
Besides two third of the New Testament are written to or from the churches in Turkey. We offer various alternatives to visit that places..
Seven Churches of Revelation Tours
St. John the Theologian is author of the Book of Revelation, which includes letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor. The Seven Churches tours include visiting 7 churches:
Ephesus, Pergamon, Laodicea, Sardis, Thyatira, Smyrna, Philadelphia and some other sights f.e. in Istanbul.
Footsteps of St. Paul Tours
St. Paul was one of the great missionaries born in 10CE in Taurus.
You can follow the routes of St. Paul through his missionary journeys...
Biblical Tour Guide
- Ancient Turkey History
- Ancient Turkey Map
- Biblical Sites in Turkey
- Biblical Sites in Greece
- Bible References Turkey
- Bible References Greece
- Bible Persons Asia Minor
- Old Testament Places Turkey
- New Testament Places Turkey
- Intertestamental Period
- Ecumenical Councils Turkey
- Seven Churches of Revelation Turkey
Biblical Anatolia
- Asia Minor
- Churches of Revelation in Anatolia
- Apostolic Fathers
- Biblical Scholars
- Biblical Glossary
- Major Christian Saints
- Jewish Heritage
Information St. Paul
- About St. Paul
- Chronology of St. Paul
- Tarsus-Birthplace of St. Paul
- The Prison of St. Paul in Ephesus
- St. Paul's Letters
- Missionary Journeys of St. Paul