Ancient Turkey Map

Asia Minor and Persia. (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1895)
who: (Times (London, England); Andree, Richard); The Times; Cassell & Company; Times (London, England); Andree, Richard
what: World Atlas; Atlas Map
when: 1895
where: Turkey; Iran; Middle East
Author: (Times (London, England); Andree, Richard)
Date: 1895
Short Title: Asia Minor, Persia.
Publisher: London: The Times
Type: Atlas Map
Obj Height cm: 24
Obj Width cm: 38
Scale 1: 10,000,000
Note: Two color maps with inset. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Shows settlements, railroads, etc.
Country: Turkey ; Iran
Region: Turkey ; Iran
Full Title: Asia Minor and Persia. (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1895)
List No: 1010.050
Publication Author: Times (London, England); Andree, Richard
Pub Date: 1895
Pub Title: The Times atlas. Containing 117 pages of maps, and comprising 173 maps and an alphabetical index to 130,000 names. Published at the office of "The Times," Printing House Square, London, E.C. 1895. (colophon:) Cassell & Company. Limited, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E.C.
Pub Reference: Espenhorst, J. Petermann's planet, v. 1 p. 610-613. P4373. Newberry Library.
Pub Note: See note field above.